Fahrenheit 451
The hauntingly prophetic classic novel set in a not-too-distant future where books are burned by a special task force of firemen.

Guy Montag is a fireman. His job is to burn books which are forbidden being the source of all discord and unhappiness. Even so Montag is unhappy; there is discord in his marriage. Are books hidden in his house? The Mechanical Hound of the Fire Department armed with a lethal hypodermic escorted by helicopters is ready to track down those dissidents who defy society to preserve and read books.

The classic novel of a post-literate future 'Fahrenheit 451' stands alongside Orwell's '1984' and Huxley's 'Brave New World' as a prophetic account of Western civilization's enslavement by the media drugs and conformity.

Bradbury's powerful and poetic prose combines with uncanny insight into the potential of technology to create a novel which over fifty years from first publication still has the power to dazzle and shock.
  • Basım Yılı:
  • Baskı:1
  • Sayfa Sayısı:230
  • Kağıt Türü:Kitap Kağıdı
  • Ebat:13 x 20
  • Dil:İngilizce
  • Cilt Durumu:Karton Kapak
  • ISBN-10:0006546061
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