Quick Course in Microsoft Office 97
Quick Course in Microsoft Office 97
Get more productive quickly with QUICK COURSE® IN MICROSOFT® OFFICE 97!

QUICK COURSE IN MICROSOFT OFFICE 97 demonstrates in easy steps how to use the powerful Office 97 applications individually and how to move and share information between them.

Topics covered in QUICK COURSE® IN MICROSOFT® OFFICE 97 include:

Creating impressive-looking documents with Microsoft Word

Tapping the spreadsheet power of Microsoft Excel

Developing effective presentations with Microsoft PowerPoint®

Building relational databases with Microsoft Access

Implementing scheduling e-mail and contact management with Microsoft OutlookTM

Using the Office 97 tools together

Quick Course books offer you streamlined instruction in the form of no-nonsense to-the-point tutorials and learning exercises. The core of each book is a logical sequence of straightforward easy-to-follow instructions for building useful business documents---the same documents you create and use on the job
  • Basım Yılı:
  • Sayfa Sayısı:320
  • Kağıt Türü:1. Hm. Kağıt
  • Dil:İngilizce
  • Cilt Durumu:Karton Kapak
  • ISBN-13:9780735610767
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