Forbidden Fruit
How well I remember my early days almost to babyhood when it was always the care of my beautiful mother to bath me herself every day; there was also Mary my nursemaid but when Mamma had to be away at any time the supervision of my bath was delegated to her sister. Auntie Gertie a pretty girl of sixteen or seventeen. Till six or seven years of age I slept in a cot in my parents' own bed-room. Papa was a very dark fine handsome man Mamma equally so or much more beautiful to me had lovely golden hair and deep blue eyes full of love for me in every glance.

I can just remember one day when Mary and Auntie Gertie were giving me my bath I thought they were looking at my little spout as I said saucily: "What are you looking at Papa has got such a big one."

Amongst the tricks I used to play on my nurse was one of suddenly running up to her and raising her skirts in fun so one day when Mamma was bathing me I suddenly said "Mamma dear Mary has such a lot of hair at the bottom of her belly;" making the poor girl blush crimson as she explained my tricks to Mamma.

Another time to Auntie Gertie: "You should see my Papa hug my Mamma like a bear in bed."

After this my cot was removed to the nursery as Master Percy was getting too observant.

What romps I used to have with Mary; then when I was about eight or nine years old I often would insist upon sleeping with her always creeping inside her night dress to nestle close to her soft warm flesh.

I would kiss her titties and pretend to be a little sucking pig as I played with her belly even as low down as the hairy part which she always resisted my handling by keeping her own hand over it.
  • Basım Yılı:
  • Baskı:1
  • Sayfa Sayısı:144
  • Kağıt Türü:Kitap Kağıdı
  • Ebat:13,5 x 20
  • Dil:İngilizce
  • Cilt Durumu:Karton Kapak
  • ISBN-10:6053242185
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