Athar al-Qahira al-Islamiyya fi al-Asr al-Uthmani (3 Volumes in 5)
Athar al-Qahira al-Islamiyya fi al-Asr al-Uthmani (3 Volumes in 5)
Islamic Monuments of Cairo

Volume I: Mosques Madrasas & Takiyas IRCICA Istanbul 2003 The main purposeof thisbookis toexaminethearchitectural works in Egypt constructedduringthe Ottoman period(1517-1914 A.D.) from theviewpoint of the relationship between Turkish administrative circles and the Egyptian people. The first volume of Islamic Monuments of Cairo in the Ottoman Period contains information on mosques madrasas (schools) zawiyas and takiyas (religious lodges) etc. The following volumes to be published will encompass information on houses caravanserais sabils burial shrines and other buildings. This book attempts to give a detailed record of Ottoman buildings in Cairo. The entries which are arranged in chronological order include the official registration number thedateof construction the namesofpatronsandthelocation in Cairo.This is followedbyadescription of thebuilding information on its status. Finally the main sources mentioning the building in question are cited.

Vol. II: Public fountains schools and watering places IRCICA Istanbul 2011 This is the second book under the title Islamic Monuments of Cairo in the Ottoman Period after the first one published in 2003 which was devoted to mosques medreses tekkes andzawiyas (religious lodges). The secondbook consists of two volumes itself andfocuses on another type of structures that was widespreadin Egyptduringthe Otoman period namelypublic fountainselementary schoolsand wateringplaces foranimals (abreuvoirs).Thebook covers474structuresdatingfrom theperiodfrom thebeginningof16th to20th century AD. Foreach structurethereader will findadetaileddescription indication of itsplacesupplemented with detailed maps itsowner/affiliationevolution of its statepastandpresentandrestorations.Thefountain (sabil)

  • Basım Yılı:
  • Sayfa Sayısı:1111
  • Kağıt Türü:2. Hm. Kağıt
  • Ebat:17 x 31
  • Dil:İngilizce, Arapça
  • Cilt Durumu:Karton Kapak
  • ISBN-13:9789290631285
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